Online ADR exams are now available

Wednesday February 2017

Immediate Results with the Online ADR Exams

We are very pleased to announce we have gained approval to run online exams for the ADR course with our first exams taking place on Thursday 16th February 2017.

Many of our candidates attending the ADR course are not familiar with modern technology and often shy away therefore the decision to change our method of examination was considered carefully.  The benefits however of taking the ADR exams online are far greater than the initial concerns of some of the candidates.

To help alleviate the candidates concerns they will be given practice time with a mock exam to navigate their way through the format, layout and structure of the online ADR exams prior to the actual exam date to help them gain confidence.

One of the main benefits of doing the ADR exams online is the results are available IMMEDIATELY after the last exam has been completed by all the candidates.

The results will be issued to the candidate and the employer who arranged the training as soon as possible after the exams.

The driver (providing they have passed all necessary modules) will receive their ADR card in the post within 8 days of the end of the course which means there is minimum delay in getting on with their job transporting dangerous goods by road.

If you would like any further information or would like to book onto our ADR course then please give us a call on 01282 687090.